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SHRIMP Analytics

Die dritte Projektphase von SHRIMP widmet sich dem Thema "Learning Analytics," also der Frage, wie sich die bei der Nutzung der Plattform anfallenden reichhaltigen Metadaten (wie bspw. Logdaten zu typischen Nutzungszeitpunkten, zu inhaltlichen Interessen, zu Interaktionsformen, etc.) zur Verbesserung der Lernsituation nutzen lassen.

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SHRIMP Milestones

Das SHRIMP-Projekt gliedert sich in vier aufeinander aufbauende Milestones, die das Ziel haben, eine in unterschiedlichen textbasierten Geisteswissenschaften gleichermaßen einsetzbare, innovative, personalisierte Lehr-Lernumgebung zur Verfügung zu stellen:

1) SHRIMP Starts: Entwicklung, Implementierung, Erprobung


This is in line with Bennett and Royle's comments on the hero usually being the person we identify with. ### This point is

<p>This is in line with Bennett and Royle's comments on the hero usually being the person we identify with. ### This point is picked up in a sample essay on the movie The Pursuit of Happyness</p>

Of course, the picture Linda paints in this scene goes against the stereotypical division of gender in the family, which would u

<p>Of course, the picture Linda paints in this scene goes against the stereotypical division of gender in the family, which would usually have the husband "pulling double shifts" as the provider of the family. This evocation works to further undermine Chris's masculinity, instead positing Linda, at least in terms of economic success, as the stereotypically more 'masculine' part of their relationship. </p>

Note that &#039;real&#039; is set in single quotation marks here to denote the author&#039;s recognition that there is no such t

<p>Note that 'real' is set in single quotation marks here to denote the author's recognition that there is no such thing as a 'real man,' a differentiation between real and unreal, true and false, supposedly based on authenticity, but that, instead, masculinity is a constructed, discursive concept.</p>

When writing an essay on gender, it might seem more intuitive to write about women and femininity. In fact, that is also where g

<p>When writing an essay on gender, it might seem more intuitive to write about women and femininity. In fact, that is also where gender studies, as a discipline, originally began (also for important political reasons). However, since the concepts of femininity and masculinity are relational, it is also important to analytically discuss masculinity in order to avoid seeing it as 'natural' or 'the norm' and instead understanding it as part of a discourse.</p>


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